Monday, August 3, 2015

Paula Hawkins' The Girl on the Train pulled me in hooked me from page one.

When reviewers said that this was the next Gone Girl I was almost reluctant to read The Girl on the Train. In a previous review, I commented that I didn't love Gone Girl because the characters in the book were such horrible people. I was afraid that this book would be the same but I was pleasantly surprised.

Rachel is struggling to bounce back from her divorce and not doing a very good job. She is drinking heavily, which had caused her to lose her job. While pretending to go to work each morning, Rachel fantasizes about the lives of "Jess" and "Jason", a couple who live down the road from where she used to live with her ex-husband.Tom. He still lives there with his new wife and their daughter.

Very quickly, the lives of Rachel, Tom, his wife Anna, and the neighbors down the road, who are really named Megan and Scott, become mysteriously intertwined. When the dust settles, the surprise ending with leave you shocked. The ending had me so rattled that I actually had to step away and think about the book before writing my review. Very good writing, well written characters, and a surprise ending kept me interested and entertained.

Run to your local library or bookstore and check out this book

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, it sounds like this was an intriguing read! I haven't ever tried Gone Girl myself but I have heard brilliant things about that book and this one alike, so I was curious. I think I will try this one for myself, especially as I am curious about the ending. I am glad you liked reading it!

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